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Scarcely had the amnesty published by King Wenzel assured security when Agaphia Brzava transferred to Nicolas Jaroslav the key and chain she had obtained. Nicolas on his side debated long with himself as to the use he should make of the power now in his hands. He felt the necessity, however, of exhibiting his own fidelity in his calling; and he knew that any uncertainty or taint of suspicion cast on his acts as notarius must involve interests too serious to permit any trifling. He accordingly watched a favorable opportunity to unlock the great chest which he knew contained many revelations of state importance. The confusion created in the kingdom, since the death of the great Otakar, resulting from that sovereign’s pre-eminently commanding character, and his compulsory union of the branches of, administration in his own person, enabled designing persons to remove, or conceal, or destroy archives almost at their pleasure.

Among other documents Nicolas discovered the official decree, formally subscribed and engrossed, creating Nicolas son of Otakar, Duke of Troppau, and conferring upon him the revenues of that duchy.