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“Because it was my brother’s spear and mine that dispatched Otakar,” replied Seyfried.

“Wherefore was not this circumstance previously reported?” inquired the emperor with a severe look. “It was most important, and might have spared us a severe search. I am not pleased at this tardy report.” Thereupon Seyfried and his brother at once retired from the emperor’s presence. “Nicolas shall pay the penalty for this,” he muttered, “and that speedily if any favoring chance be presented.”

The emperor accosted the remaining group, and at once Lord Zawis addressed him. “We most loyally congratulate your highness,” said he; “previous opportunity did not present itself. Your highness may command our most ready and complete efforts to pacify and protect the open country now we fear subject to the inevitable consequences of defeat.”

“It may not become me to speak, perhaps,” observed Nicolas, who bore a striking resemblance to his father; “but if any: efforts of mine can render your highness’ task easier or more effectual in restoring order and industry, no more willing or loyal servant is now living.”

“Our new friend Solomon is versed in the art of government,” observed the Chancellor, “and his knowledge is as valuable as his talents are conspicuous. I am sure his counsel would aid us materially.”

“Gentlemen,” said Rudolph, “your expressions of loyalty and devotion are more welcome and timely than you seem to think. We move our camp tomorrow morning, and your presence at headquarters