Page:Zur Thermodynamik bewegter Systeme.djvu/8

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because the ordinary definition of temperature must hold for bodies of same velocity, so the form for is given by

We want to set this function , as well as function in (8a), equal to one; then it becomes


Though we have to emphasize, that there is a certain arbitrariness in this. Even when we don't set these functions equal to one, we neither come into contradiction with the theorem of the impossibility of a thermal perpetual motion machine, nor with the ordinary definition of temperature which is indeed only related to bodies of same velocity. The criterion of equality of temperature is not applicable to bodies of unequal velocity, since we cannot directly bring them in reversible heat exchange, but only with the aid of an auxiliary body which assumes different velocities. Though if we don't set equal to one, then also the entropy of the adiabatic acceleration changes.

Anyway, it is the easiest way to define by equation (8); then is a complete differential and the entropy remains constant at adiabatic acceleration.[1]

4. The entropy of a moving body.

We arrived at the result that pressure and temperature assume the values


at isochoric-adiabatic acceleration.

  1. This was also concluded in the papers of v. Mosengeil and Planck at the determination of the temperature of a moving cavity.