Page talk:Best Russian Short Stories.djvu/49

I have a copy of St. John's Eve and Other Stories by Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol, translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood, with an introduction by Bee-Farmer Ruduh Panko. This was first published in 1886 and the text is considerably different than the one in this scan. My memory tells me that there is are no translator attributions in the Best Russian Short Stories editions. In fact, The Cloak appears in several pre-1923 collections, each in a slightly different form, similar to this version, but with considerable differences in working. Will look into this further and respond, but my point is that I do not believe Hapgood can be given as the translator. It might be Hapgood, with Thomas Seltzer allowing himself editorial freedom. unsigned comment by Cloudmountain (talk) .