Page talk:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 2.djvu/97

Original table showing cell borders

arrobas. lbs.
In the State of Jalisco, 1,000 or 25,000
Sonora, 3,500 87,500
Durango, 3,044 76,100
Oajaca, 21,583 539,576
Puebla, 3,738 93,450
Vera Cruz, 14,496 362,400

47.361 1,184,025

The only differences are between this and the original table is that it is on the left instead in page center, and the cell borders are displayed.
Without align=center, the natural table position is left.
The code border=1 turns on the cell border lines. The natural border is double.


Table showing cell borders and cell formatting style instead of the "float right" template

arrobas. lbs.
In the State of Jalisco, 1,000 or 25,000
Sonora, 3,500 87,500
Durango, 3,044 76,100
Oajaca, 21,583 539,576
Puebla, 3,738 93,450
Vera Cruz, 14,496 362,400

47.361 1,184,025