Page talk:The Riverside song book.djvu/29

% third staff, bass clef, last note of third full measure - must be an 8th note?
% original has old style r4 symbol
% missing small d8 note at beginning of staves 1, 2, and 4
% are the repeat bar lines beginning of staff 3 and end of staff 4 okay?
% missing the crescendo and diminuendo hairpins on staff 4
% missing the :S: markings at start of staff 3
% missing the "FINE" and "D.S" markings at end of staff 4
% and... how to do the "dal segno" D.S. thingy?
\new Staff
  \key g \major
  \time 3/4
  \relative c' {
    \clef treble
    \partial 8   d8 
    | <d g>8. <d g>16 <d g>4. <d a'>8
    | <d b'>8. <d b'>16 <d b'>4. <d g>8
    | <d a'>8 <d b'> <d c'>4 <d fis>4
    | <fis a>8. g16 g4 r4 
    | \break
    \partial 8   d8
    | <d g>8. <d g>16 <d g>4. <d a'>8
    | <d b'>8. <d b'>16 <d b'>4. <d g>8
    | <d a'>8 <d b'> <d c'>4 <d fis>4
    | <fis a>8. g16 g4 r4 
    | \break
    \bar ".|:"  
    \partial 8   <g d'>8\segno
    | <g d'>8.^\f  <g b>16 <g e'>4. <g d'>8
    | <fis d'>8. <fis c'>16 <fis c'>4. <fis c'>8
    | <fis c'>8.^\mf  <fis a>16 <fis d'>4. <fis c'>8
    | <fis c'>8. <g b>16 <g b>4 r4
    | \break
    \partial 8   d8 
    | <d g>8. <d g>16 <d g>4. <d a'>8
    | <d b'>8. <d b'>16 <d b'>4. <d g>8
    | <d a'>8 <d b'> <d c'>4 <d fis>4
    | <fis a>8. g16 g4.^\markup { \smallCaps "Fine." \italic "D.S" }
    \bar ":|." \break
  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"1." 
    Lay down the axe; fling by the spade; Leave in its track the toiling _ plough; 
    The ri -- fle and the bayo -- net blade For arms like yours were fit -- ter now;
    Ho! stur -- dy as the oaks ye cleave, And moved as soon to fear and flight;
    Men of the glade and for  --  est! leave Your wood -- craft for the field of fight.
  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"2." 
    Come ye, who breast the moun -- tain storm By grassy _ steep or highland _ lake,
    Come, for the land ye love, to form A bul  --  wark that no foe can break.
    And ye whose homes are by the grand Swift riv  --  ers, ris  --  ing far a  --  way,
    Come from the depth of your green land, As might -- y in your march as they.
  \addlyrics {
    \set stanza = #"3." 
    Come ye, who throng be -- side the deep, Her ports and ham -- lets of the strand.
    In num -- ber like the waves that leap On his long -- murm 'ring marge of sand;
    Few, few were they whose swords of old Won the fair land in which we dwell;
    But we are ma  --  ny, we who hold The grim re -- solve to guard it well.
\new Staff
  \relative c {
    \clef bass
    \partial 8   d'8 
    | <g, b>8. <g b>16 <g b>4. <d f>8
    | <g, g'>8. <g g'>16 <g g'>4. \stemDown <b g'>8
    | <d f>8  <d g>8  <d a'>4 <d a'>4
    | <d c'>8. <g b>16  <g b>4  r4
    | \break
    \partial 8   d'8 
    | <g, b>8. <g b>16 <g b>4. <d f>8
    | \stemUp  <g, g'>8. <g g'>16 <g g'>4. \stemDown <b g'>8
    | <d f>8  <d g>8  <d a'>4 <d a'>4
    | <d c'>8. <g b>16  <g b>4  r4
    | \break
    \partial 8   <g b>8
    | <g b>8.^\f <g d'>16 <g c>4. g8
    | <d b'>8. <d a'>16 <d a'>4. <d a'>8
    | <d a'>8.^\mf <d c'>16 <d b'>4. <d a'>8 
    | <d a'>8. g16 g4 r4
    | \break
    \partial 8   d'8 
    | <g, b>8. <g b>16 <g b>4. <d f>8
    | <g, g'>8. <g g'>16 <g g'>4. \stemDown <b g'>8
    | <d f>8  <d g>8  <d a'>4 <d a'>4
    | <d c'>8. <g b>16  <g b>4.^\markup { \italic "D.S" }

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