Pennsylvania v. New York/Opinion of the Court

Pennsylvania v. New York (1972)
Opinion of the Court by William J. Brennan
4598257Pennsylvania v. New York — Opinion of the Court1972William J. Brennan
Court Documents
Case Syllabus
Opinion of the Court
Dissenting Opinion

[p207] MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court.

Pennsylvania and other States except to, and New York supports,[1] the Report of the Special Master filed in this original action brought by Pennsylvania against New York for a determination respecting the authority of the several States to escheat, or take custody of, unclaimed funds paid to the Western Union Telegraph Company for the purchase of money orders.[2] We overrule [p208] the exceptions and enter the decree recommended by the Special Master, see post, p. 223.[3]

The nature of Western Union's money order business, and the source of the funds here in dispute, were described by the Court in Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Pennsylvania, 368 U.S. 71 (1961):

"Western Union is a corporation chartered under New York law with its principal place of business in that State. It also does business and has offices in all the other States except Alaska and Hawaii, [as well as] in the District of Columbia, and in foreign countries, and was from 1916 to 1934 subject to regulation by the I.C.C. and since then by the F.C.C. In addition to sending telegraphic messages throughout its world-wide system, it carries on a telegraphic money order business which commonly works like this. A sender goes to a Western Union office, fills out an application and gives it to a company clerk who waits on him together with the money to be sent and the charges for sending it. A receipt is given the sender and a telegraph message is transmitted to the company's office nearest to the payee directing that office to pay the money order to the payee. The payee is then notified and upon properly identifying himself is given a negotiable draft, which he can either endorse and cash at once or keep for use in the future. If the payee cannot be located for delivery of the notice, or fails to call for the draft within 72 hours, the office of destination notifies the sending office. This office then notifies the original sender of the failure to deliver and makes a refund, as it [p209] makes payments to payees, by way of a negotiable draft which may be either cashed immediately or kept for use in the future.

"In the thousands of money order transactions carried on by the company, it sometimes happens that it can neither make payment to the payee nor make a refund to the sender. Similarly payees and senders who accept drafts as payment or refund sometimes fail to cash them. For this reason large sums of money due from Western Union for undelivered money orders and unpaid drafts accumulate over the years in the company's offices and bank accounts throughout the country." Id., at 72-73.

In 1953 Pennsylvania began state proceedings under its escheat statute[4] to take custody of those unclaimed funds, held by Western Union, that arose from money order purchases in the company's Pennsylvania offices. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania affirmed a judgment for the State of about $40,000, Commonwealth v. Western Union, 400 Pa. 337, 162 A. 2d 617 (1960), but this Court reversed, Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Pennsylvania, supra, holding that the state court judgment denied Western Union due process of law because it could not protect the company against rival claims of other States. We noted that controversies among different [p210] States over their right to escheat intangibles could be settled only in a forum "where all the States that want to do so can present their claims for consideration and final, authoritative determination. Our Court has jurisdiction to do that." Id., at 79.

Thereafter, in Texas v. New Jersey, 379 U.S. 674 (1965), the Court was asked to decide which of several States was entitled to escheat intangible property consisting of debts owed by the Sun Oil Co. and left unclaimed by creditors. Four different rules were proposed. Texas argued that the funds should go to the State having the most significant "contacts" with the debt, as measured by a number of factors; New Jersey, that they should go to the State of the debtor company's incorporation; Pennsylvania, to the State where the company had its principal place of business; and Florida, to the State of the creditor's last known address as shown by the debtor's books and records. We rejected Texas' and Pennsylvania's proposals as being too uncertain and difficult to administer, and rejected New Jersey's because "it would too greatly exalt a minor factor to permit escheat of obligations incurred all over the country by the State in which the debtor happened to incorporate itself." Id., at 680. Florida's proposal, on the other hand, was regarded not only as a "simple and easy" standard to follow, but also as one that tended "to distribute escheats among the States in the proportion of the commercial activities of their residents." Id., at 681. We therefore held that the State of the creditor's last known address is entitled to escheat the property owed him, adding that if his address does not appear on the debtor's books or is in a State that does not provide for escheat of intangibles, then the State of the debtor's incorporation may take custody of the funds "until some other [p211] State comes forward with proof that it has a superior right to escheat." Id., at 682. The opinion concluded:

"We realize that this case could have been resolved otherwise, for the issue here is not controlled by statutory or constitutional provisions or by past decisions, nor is it entirely one of logic. It is fundamentally a question of ease of administration and of equity. We believe that the rule we adopt is the fairest, is easy to apply, and in the long run will be the most generally acceptable to all the States." Id., at 683.

On March 13, 1970, Pennsylvania filed this original action to renew its efforts to escheat part of Western Union's unclaimed money order proceeds. The complaint alleged that Western Union had accumulated more than $1,500,000 in unclaimed funds "on account of money orders purchased from the company on or before December 31, 1962," and that about $100,000 of that amount, "held by Western Union on account of money orders purchased from it in Pennsylvania," was subject to escheat by that State. Pennsylvania asked for a judgment resolving the conflicting claims of it and the defendant States, and for a temporary injunction against payment of the funds by Western Union or a taking of them by the defendant States, pending disposition of the case.[5]

In their arguments before the Special Master, the parties suggested three different formulas to resolve their conflicting claims. Pennsylvania contended that Western Union's money order records do not identify anyone as a "creditor" of the company and in many instances do [p212] not list an address for either the sender or payee; therefore, strict application of the Texas v. New Jersey rule to this type of intangible would result in the escheat of almost all the funds to the State of incorporation, here New York. To avoid this result, Pennsylvania proposed that the State where the money order was purchased be permitted to take the funds. It claimed that the State where the money orders are bought should be presumed to be the State of the sender's residence. Connecticut, California, and Indiana supported this proposal, as did New Jersey as amicus curiae.

Florida and Arizona also supported Pennsylvania, but argued that where the payee had received but not cashed the money order, his address, if known, should determine escheat, regardless of the sender's address.

New York argued that Texas v. New Jersey should be strictly applied, but that it was not retroactive. Thus, as to money orders purchased between 1930 and 1958 (seven years before the Texas decision)[6] New York asserted its right as the State of incorporation to all unclaimed funds, regardless of the creditor's address.[7] As for money orders drawn after 1958, New York would apply the Texas rule, and take the funds in all cases where the creditor's address did not appear or was located in a State not providing for escheat.

The Special Master has submitted a report recommending that the Texas rule "be applied to all the items involved in this case regardless of the date of the [p213] transactions out of which they arose." Report 21. The Report expresses some doubt about the constitutionality of the suggested alternatives, stating that both the place-of-purchase and place-of-destination rules might permit intangible property rights to be "cut off or adversely affected by state action in an in rem proceeding in a forum having no continuing relationship to any of the parties to the proceedings." Id., at 19. These doubts, however, were not the sole basis for the Special Master's recommendation. He found that "[a]s in the case of the obligations in [Texas v. New Jersey], [the Texas] rule presents an easily administered standard preventing multiple claims and giving all parties a fixed rule on which they can rely." Id., at 20. He concluded that:

"Any sum now held by Western Union unclaimed for the period of time prescribed by the applicable State statutes may be escheated or taken into custody by the State in which the records of Western Union placed the address of the creditor, whether that creditor be the payee of an unpaid draft, the sender of a money order entitled to a refund, or an individual whose claim has been underpaid through error.... [I]f no address is contained in the records of Western Union, or if the State in which the address of the creditor falls has no applicable escheat law, then the right to escheat or take custody shall be in the domiciliary State of the debtor, in this case, New York." Id., at 20-21.

The Report also states that New York would bear the burden of establishing "as to all escheatable items the absence from Western Union's records of an address for the creditor." Id., at 16.

Pennsylvania's exceptions argue that where a transaction is of a type that "the obligor does not make entries upon its books and records showing the address of the [p214] obligee," only "the State of origin of the transaction" should be permitted to escheat. Florida and Arizona have abandoned their state-of-destination test, and together with the other participating States save New York, have joined in Pennsylvania's exceptions. Tr. of Oral Arg. 20, 42.

Pennsylvania's proposal has some surface appeal. Because Western Union does not regularly record the addresses of its money order creditors, it is likely that the corporate domicile will receive a much larger share of the unclaimed funds here than in the case of other obligations, like bills for services rendered, where such records are kept as a matter of business practice. In a sense, there is some inconsistency between that result and our refusal in Texas to make the debtor's domicile the primary recipient of unclaimed intangibles. Furthermore, the parties say, the Texas rule is nothing more than a legal presumption that the creditor's residence is in the State of his last known address. A presumption based on the place of purchase is equally valid, they argue, and should be applied in order to prevent New York from gaining this windfall.

Assuming, without resolving the doubts expressed by the Special Master, that the Pennsylvania rule provides a constitutional basis for escheat, we do not regard the likelihood of a "windfall" for New York as a sufficient reason for carving out this exception to the Texas rule. Texas v. New Jersey was not grounded on the assumption that all creditors' addresses are known. Indeed, as to four of the eight classes of debt involved in that case, the Court expressly found that some of the creditors "had no last address indicated." 379 U.S., at 675-676, n. 4. Thus, the only arguable basis for distinguishing money orders is that they involve a higher percentage of unknown addresses. But we are not told what percentage [p215] is high enough to justify an exception to the Texas rule, nor is it entirely clear that money orders constitute the only form of transaction where the percentage of unknown addresses may run high. In other words, to vary the application of the Texas rule according to the adequacy of the debtor's records would require this Court to do precisely what we said should be avoided—that is, "to decide each escheat case on the basis of its particular facts or to devise new rules of law to apply to ever-developing new categories of facts." Texas v. New Jersey, 379 U.S., at 679.

Furthermore, a substantial number of creditors' addresses may in fact be available in this case. Although Western Union has not kept ledger records of addresses, the parties stipulated, and the Special Master found, that money order applications have been retained in the company's records "as far back as 1930 in some instances and are generally available since 1941." Report 9. To the extent that creditor addresses are available from those forms, the "windfall" to New York will, of course, be diminished.

We think that as a matter of fairness the claimant States, and not Western Union, should bear the cost of finding and recording the available addresses, and we shall remand to the Special Master for a hearing and recommendation as to the appropriate formula for distributing those costs. As for future money order transactions, nothing we say here prohibits the States from requiring Western Union to keep adequate address records. The decree recommended by the Special Master is adopted and entered,[8] and the cause is remanded to the [p216] Special Master for further proceedings and the filing of a proposed supplemental decree with respect to the distribution of costs of the inquiry as to available addresses.

It is so ordered.

[For decree adopted and entered by the Court, see post, p. 223.]


  1. Of the remaining States party to this case, Florida has filed exceptions as defendant, and Connecticut and Indiana as intervening plaintiffs. New Jersey has filed a brief amicus curiae in support of Pennsylvania's position.
  2. We granted leave to file the bill of complaint, 398 U.S. 956, permitted the State of Connecticut to intervene as a party plaintiff, and appointed Mr. John F. Davis as a Special Master to take evidence and make appropriate reports. 400 U.S. 811. Thereafter, California and Indiana were permitted to intervene as plaintiffs, and Arizona as a defendant. 400 U.S. 924, 1019; 401 U.S. 931.
  3. The exception of Indiana as to a typographical error in the recommended decree is sustained. The phrase "escheat of custodial taking" in paragraph 2, lines 4-5 of the decree should read "escheat or custodial taking."
  4. The Pennsylvania statute, Act of July 29, 1953, P.L. 986, § 1, (Pa. Stat. Ann., Tit. 27, § 333) provides in part:

    "(b) Whensoever the... person entitled to any... personal property within or subject to the control of the Commonwealth or the whereabouts of such... person entitled has been or shall be and remain unknown for the period of seven successive years, such... personal property... shall escheat to the Commonwealth.....

    "(c) Whensoever any... personal property within or subject to the control of this Commonwealth has been or shall be and remain unclaimed for the period of seven successive years, such... personal property... shall escheat to the Commonwealth...."

  5. The Court has taken no action on the plea for temporary injunction, and accepts the recommendation of the Special Master that it now "be denied as unnecessary." Report 3 n. 2.
  6. New York makes no claim with respect to money orders issued before 1930.
  7. Section 1309 of New York's Abandoned Property Law provides for the custodial taking, not escheat, of uncashed money orders, so that "the rights of a holder of a... money order to payment... shall be in no wise affected, impaired or enlarged by reason of the provisions of this section or by reason of the payment to the state comptroller of abandoned property hereunder."
  8. Insofar as the invocation of any provision of the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act would be inconsistent with this decree, the decree prevails. See Board of Education v. Swann, 402 U.S. 43, 45-46 (1971).