205791Persian Letters — Letter 152John DavidsonMontesquieu

Letter 152


Narsit to Usbek, at Paris

ROXANA and Zelis were anxious to go to the country; and I did not think it necessary to refuse them. Happy Usbek! The possessor of faithful wives, and ever watchful slaves; virtue seems to have made its home in the abode which I rule. Be assured that nothing shall happen of which you would not approve.

A misfortune has occurred which gives me great uneasiness. Some Armenian merchants, lately come to Ispahan, brought a letter of yours addressed to me; I sent a slave for it, but he was robbed on his return and the letter lost. Write me therefore at once; because I imagine that, at this juncture, you will have matters of importance to communicate to me.

The Seraglio at Fatme, the 6th of the first moon of Rebiab, 1719.