Pictures of life in Mexico/Volume 2/Chapter 38



Causes of its decline.—Revenues.—Imports and exports.—Average commercial returns for one year from Vera Craz, Tampico, Matamoras, San Bias, and Mazatlan.—Statement of charges on foreign shipping.—Example of tonnage duty.

The commerce of this country has been decreasing for the last twenty years—a result attributable to continual revolutionary disturbances, the decrease of the wealth of the people, and the pecuniary embarrassments to which most of the inhabitants have been subjected, by the non-payment of government loans, and by unfortunate investments.

In 1832 and 1833, the revenue of the custom-house amounted to about 12,000,000 dollars, per annum; in 1839, on account of the French blockade, it fell to nearly 3,000,000 dollars; in 1840, it rose again to 7,000,000 dollars; and in the following year fell to little more than 5,000,000, which is about its present average. This sum may be divided among the different ports as follows:—

Vera Cruz 3,329,802
Tampico 883,039
Matamoras 312,403
Mazatlan 383,159
Guyamas 55,814
Monterey 96,853
Acapulco 17,182
San Blas 208,845

This corresponds to about 12,300,000 dollars' value of importation annually, divided (according to an estimate) in the following manner:—

From England 4,500,000
" France 3,000,000
" Hamburgh. 1,500,000
" China 1,000,000
" United States. 800,000
" Spain 500,000
" Genoa, and other ports. 1,000,000
The expense to the government, for the collection of this revenue, is about 348,290 dollars.

These statements are exclusive of the contraband trade from the United States by Santa Fé, and by the English and Americans on the sea-coasts.

The exports from the whole republic (chiefly its own productions) may be rated as follows:—

Precious Metals Specie, through Vera Cruz 4,000,000
Mazatlan and San Blas 2,500,000
Silver and gold, through other ports 5,000,000
Silver, through Tampico. 7,000,000
Cochineal, jalap, vanilla, sarsaparilla, and hides 1,000,000
Sundries 500,000
Total 20,000,000
From this estimate about 18,500,000 dollars in the precious metals are exported annually from Mexico. The mines produce nearly 22,000,000 dollars of silver of which it is calculated that 12,000,000 are coined in the seven mints of the republic per annum. There is a difference of about 8,000,000 dollars between the imports and exports—a large proportion—all which is estimated to be covered by smuggling.

The following is an Average Gross Return of British and Foreign Trade, at the Port of Vera Cruz, for one Year:—


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes in pounds sterling.
English 17 2,438 124 468,200
Mexican 164 11,480 984 Not to be ascertained.
American 35 7,315 235 "
French 17 3,764 204 "
Spanish 16 2,216 128 "
Hanseatic 6 1,015 62 "
Danish 6 793 47 "
Belgians 3 542 27 "
Prussians 2 376 23 "
Sardinians 2 366 24 "
Venezuela 1 110 7 "
Total arrived 268 30,416 1,865


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Value.
English 18 2,676 138 Unknown.
Mexican 163 11,573 976 "
American 34 7,104 226 "
French 20 4,493 241 "
Spanish 15 2,107 121 "
Hanseatic 6 1,016 62 "
Danish 4 612 37 "
Belgians 3 542 27 "
Prussians 2 376 23 "
Sardinians 5 631 53 "
Venezuela 1 110 7 "
Total demanded 271 31,229 1,911

Gross Return of British and Foreign Trade at the Port of Tampico, for one Year:—


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes.
British 9 923 70 198,000
French 14 1,582 135 84,000
American 15 1,626 104 21,000
Bremen 1 160 10 5,000
Total arrived 39 4,291 319 208,000


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes.
British 8 829 70 2,910
French 14 1,582 135 25,000[1]
American 15 1,362 99 24,000[2]
Bremen 1 160 10 500
Total departed 38 3,933 314 52,410

Gross Return of the Trade of the Port of Matamoras, for one Year:—


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes in pounds sterling.
Mexican 18 933 104 13,264
French 1 110 8 5,400
Hanseatic 1 83 7 6,000
United States 13 928 84 40,650
Total arrived 33 2,054 203 65,314


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes in pounds sterling.
Mexican 17 835 95 10,915
French 1 110 8 3,380
Hanseatic 1 83 7 Unknown
United States 11 849 77 46,675
Total departed 30 1,877 187 63,970

Gross Return of the British and Foreign Trade OF the Port of San Blas, for one Year:—


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargo.
British 4 1,125 59 Unknown
Danish 1 101 8 135,000
Peruvian 1 61 8 Unknown
American 1 382 8 110,000
Total arrived 7 1,669 83 245,000


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargo.
British 4 1,125 59 44,000
Danish 1 101 8 8,000
Peruvian 1 61 8 Unknown
American 1 382 8 7,000
Total departed 7 1,669 83 59,000

Gross Return of the British and Foreign Trade AT the Port of Mazatlan, for one Year:—


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes.
British 4 1,115 59 274,000
Hamburg 4 940 51 118,000
American 1 175 11 Unknown
Chilian 4 500 37 72,500
Bremen 2 390 24 123,000
Danish 1 220 12 60,000
Ecuador 1 206 14 24,000
Spanish 1 225 14 30,000
Peruvian 1 210 16 Unknown
Swedish 2 700 32 202,000
French 1 210 14 40,000
Total arrived including the neighbouring port of San Blas 29 6,560 367 1,188,500


Nations. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Invoice value of cargoes.
British 4 1,165 68 381,500
Hamburg 5 1,310 69 160,600
American 2 421 22 250,000
Chilian 1 128 9 3,000
Bremen 2 390 24 84,000
Danish 1 220 12 34,500
Ecuador 1 206 14 300,000
Spanish 1 225 14 Unknown.
Peruvian 1 210 16 "
Swedish 2 700 32 50,000
French Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Total departed including the neighbouring port of San Blas 27 6,644 363 1,323,100

Statement of all Port Dues and other Charges on Foreign Shipping at the Principal Ports of the Mexican Republic:—

Example of Charges on British Shipping by the Authorities of Tampico: Brig, 125 tons register.

PILOTAGE. Dollars. Cents. s. £ s. d.
125 tons at 1 dollar 125 0 4 25 0 0
Drafts, 9 feet at 2 dollars 18 0 4 3 12 0
To the pilot 6 50 4 1 6 0
Voucher given 149 50 29 18 0
tonnage duty.
135 tons, Mexican measurement, no voucher given at 1½ collar 202 50 4 40 10 0
bill of health.
Report in the bill 10 0 4 2 0 0
Captain of the port fees, no voucher 10 0 4 3 0 0
Stamps 8 50 4 1 14 0
Total 380 50 76 2 0

  1. Chiefly specie.
  2. Including ditto.