F you love me, friend, to-night,
Much and tenderly,
Let me rest my wearied head
Here upon your knee;
And the while I question you,
Prithee answer me,—
Answer me!
Much and tenderly,
Let me rest my wearied head
Here upon your knee;
And the while I question you,
Prithee answer me,—
Answer me!
Is there not a gleam of peace
On this tiresome earth?
Does not one oasis cheer
All this dreary dearth?
And does all this toil and pain
Give no blessing birth?
Answer me!
On this tiresome earth?
Does not one oasis cheer
All this dreary dearth?
And does all this toil and pain
Give no blessing birth?
Answer me!
Comes there never quiet, when
Once our hearts awake?
Must they then forevermore
Labor, strive, and ache?
Have they no inheritance
But to bear—and break?
Answer me!
Once our hearts awake?
Must they then forevermore
Labor, strive, and ache?
Have they no inheritance
But to bear—and break?
Answer me!