4565402Poems — RabboniAnnie Lanman Angier
Mary! Rabboni! ah, those words,
The heart with gladness filling;
They check the tear, calm every fear,
Each throb of anguish stilling.

Grief's surging sea, ah, who but He
Could stay its wild commotion?
What voice but Thine can bid light shine
On life's dark, troubled ocean?

Mary! Rabboni! buried love
Here finds a resurrection;
No more need gloom enshroud the tomb
When angels lend protection,

Mary! Rabboni! mourner, know
The one you've lost, and longed for so,
May linger near, as by the side
Of Mary stood the crucified

Mary! Rabboni! ah, those words—
They touch the bosom's tenderest chords,
They tell of life beyond the grave—
Of hope through Him who came to save.