4573259Poems — Cathedral ChimesAlice Emily Argent

"Bells—the music nighest bordering upon heaven."
C. Lamb.

FAR away I heard them
Through the tranquil air,
In the distance pealing,
Like sweet voices stealing
Through a world so fair.

Beautiful and wondrous
Was that ringing chime,
In the twilight dying,
Falling softly, sighing
To a mystic rhyme.

All was still around me
By the river dim,
As I stood and listened
By the waves that glistened
Round its utmost rim.

In the wind's low murmur
Through the leafy trees,
Louder came the measure
Of that tuneful pleasure,
'Cross the sleeping seas!

Like a white-winged angel,
Down from starry skies,
Those sweet chimes came o'er me,
Upwards, onward bore me
Through life's mysteries.

All in silver shadows
Lay the waters wide,
Through the meadows gleaming
Fitful rays went streaming
Idly o'er the tide.

Mingling all in chorus,
Bird and bell and bee,
All the earth in singing
Joined in that grand ringing,
Subtlest melody!

Till my soul was wakened
To a higher power,
Life seemed not so dreary,
Heart and brain less weary,
For that calm, bright hour.

Such a calm as angels,
In the fields above,
Feel with untold gladness,
Ne'er a thought of sadness
In their perfect love.

Far away I heard them,
Beautiful and fair,
In the distance pealing,
Like sweet voices stealing
Through the tranquil air!