4573225Poems — The Street SingerAlice Emily Argent

DAY was dying in the city,
And the stars were shining bright
Far across the dappled heavens
Into shades of deepest night.

Down a crowded street, where houses,
Blacken'd by the smoke of years,
Stood in sombre shadows, bearing
Semblance to life's grief and tears,

Sang a maid in tatter'd garments,
With a voice so sweet and low;
Half in sadness, half in gladness,
Came those echoes faint and slow.

As the stately swan when dying
Breathes a long, a wild refrain,
So this maiden sang in gushes,
Taking captive heart and brain.

"Auld Lang Syne" upon the breezes
Floated on the wings of night;
Up above the skies it mounted
Far beyond the azure height.
When the morn with rosy fingers
Broke upon the earth and sea,
Gilding in his orient splendour
All things in his majesty.

On a doorstep long he linger'd,
Where two wistful eyes and face
Met his gaze and made him wonder,
Seeing sleep in death's embrace!

There she lay, the beggar maiden,
Never more to charm the day:
With that voice of hers so tender
She had sung her soul away.