4573215Poems — Vale, ValeAlice Emily Argent

GO forth, my little book, launched to the world at last,
A tiny bark and frail upon life's ocean cast,
Borne here and there, maybe, within man's changing mind
Like stormy waves sea-tossed before the mighty wind,
Perchance to land at last within a pleasant realm
Of sunny skies serene, with fancy at the helm!

In the great tides of thought that swell within the breast
May some few words of mine speak hopefully of rest,
Each tender light and shade—and visionary gleams
I bring from magic isles, the fairy-land of dreams!
Think kindly of my freight—it may be great or small,—
Whate'er it be, dear friends, I give my best, my all.

Farewell, farewell, dear hearts, I would that when you look
For a little space in the pages of my book,
You would forget its faults, and only strive to take
All that is worthiest there, for love and friendship's sake.
They are but swallow flights, that with the summer, wing
Their way to happier shores where dwells eternal spring!