4609978Poems — A Sailor's SongMatilda Betham
A SAILOR'S SONG. Set to Music by Mr. Walsh. 
I ponder many a silent hour,
On friends belov'd, when far at sea,
And, tell me, have I not the power
To draw one kindred thought to me!

The while we linger on the coast,
My truant fancy homeward flies,
And when the view is almost lost,
Unmanly tears bedew my eyes—

And oft forgetful do I stand,
Nor crew, nor ship, nor ocean see;
And often does my heart demand,
If friends belov'd thus think on me!

And when to England bound once more,
I shall with fond impatience burn,
Will not some others on the shore
As fondly look for my return!

O! let me of your kindness hear!
Repeat the strain as I depart!
It swells like music on my ear,
It falls like balm upon my heart.

Aug. 21, 1804