4568500Poems — SleepingMary Elizabeth Blake
The violet eyes lie shaded deep
Beneath the white lids closing;
The cheeks flushed faint with rosy sleep,
The dimpled hands reposing;
The sweet red lips held half apart,
Smiles coming and retreating;
God bless and keep the little heart
Within the white breast beating,
        As baby sleeps.

The tiny, restless, busy feet
Lie still in cradle nesting;
The clinging arms fall white and sweet
Upon the pillow resting;
Close out the burst of noise and glare,
Harsh sound, and harsher seeming,
And let the soft, sweet summer air
Float gently through his dreaming,
        As baby sleeps.

And life and time go hurrying on,
Their varied meshes weaving;
And heaven is lost, and heaven is won,
And joy gives place to grieving;
The summer comes, the summer flies,
And brings the autumn's glory,—
While still my darling's violet eyes
Repeat the same old story,—
        That baby sleeps.

I sit and muse, while yet apace
The future years are winging,
And think what gifts of love and grace
Their hidden hands are bringing;
What paths the little feet may tread,
What work the hands be moulding,
What crown awaits my darling's head,
When heart and soul unfolding,
        No longer sleep.

Ah! hope has many a fairy theme
That her sweet lips are breathing,
And life has many a golden dream
That some fond heart is wreathing;—
But none so glad as those that rise
In light and beauty blending,
To shine before a mother's eyes,
Above the cradle bending
        While baby sleeps.

O God of love! whose mercies shine,
Though all earth's ties may sever,
And thou, whose Motherhood Divine
Has made thee ours forever,
Guard, guide, and bless, till years have gone,
And strong with strength supernal,
A conqueror with his glory won,
He enters life eternal,—
        And baby wakes.