4568493Poems — The PicketMary Elizabeth Blake
Slow across the dull Potomac fades the dim November light,
And the darkness, like a mantle, folds the tented field from sight;
In the shadowed wood beside me breaks the wind with quiv'ring moan,
      Floating, sighing,
      Falling, dying,
    As I keep my watch alone.

Forward, backward, stern and fearless, till the moonbeam's silver ray
Breaks in many a gleaming arrow from my bayonet's point away;
So I pace the picket lonely, while apart from mortal sight
      Watch I'm keeping
      With the sleeping
    Loved ones far away to-night.

On the morrow comes Thanksgiving, when from households far and wide
Round the hearths the children gather,—seek once more the old fireside;
Fill once more the vacant places that they left so long ago,
      Proudly trying
    All life's unknown joy and woe.

On the morrow comes Thanksgiving! Not as long ago it came,
Bright, without a shade of sorrow lingering round its good old name;
War has waved his crimson banner, and beneath its blood stains rest
      All his glory,
      Dim and gory,
    Laid on many a lifeless breast.

Wife and child and aged mother wake at morn to bend the knee,
And, around the hearthstone glowing, supplicate their God for me;
Near my vacant chair they gather, blending tears amid their prayers,—
      He will hear them,
      And anear them
    Will my spirit kneel with theirs.

Nor is darkness all around us; we can thank our God for might,
For the strength which He has given still to struggle for the Right;
For the soul so grandly beating in the nation's onward way,
      For the spirit
      We inherit
    On this new Thanksgiving day!

Still the blue Potomac ripples like a silver thread below,
And amid the sullen darkness rises high the camp-fire's glow;
So I pace the picket lonely, while apart from mortal sight
      Watch I'm keeping
      With the sleeping
    Loved ones far away to-night.