For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
4453894Poems — SonnetEliza Cook
'Tis midnight! and pale Melancholy standsBeside me, wearing a funereal wreathOf yew and cypress: the faint dirge of DeathMoans in her breathing, while her withered hands Fling corse-bedecking rosemary around.She offers nightshade, spreads a winding-sheet,Points to the clinging clay upon her feet,And whispers tidings of the charnel-ground.Oh! pray thee, Melancholy, do not bringThese bitter emblems with thee! I can bearWith all but these 'tis these, oh God! that wringAnd plunge my heart in maddening despair.Hence, for awhile, pale Melancholy; go!And let sweet slumber lull my weeping woe.