4474749Poems — EnfoldedHelen Elizabeth Coolidge
God's "hitherto" has "henceforth" wrapped up in it.
Alex Maclaren, D.D.

Yea, hitherto, while flowers bloomed
And sunbeams danced along the way,
Or else, when storm-clouds hid the blue,
As sorrow did her scepter sway;
The while the Father's hand was clasped,
Or, groping, thou hast held it still,
So, hitherto, hast thou been led
His love to feel, to do His will.

Henceforth! O blessèd thought! until
The morning breaks, the shadows flee,
No joy thou mayst not sanctify,
No grief too great shall come to thee;
God's "hitherto" henceforth enfolds—
Renew thy faith, O timid soul!
Henceforth a crown awaiteth thee,
Press onward, bravely, to the goal.