Poems (Curwen)/To the Patriotic Society

4489708Poems — To the Patriotic SocietyAnnie Isabel Curwen
To the Patriotic Society.
Ye patriotic children,
Whose sires have ever been
Devoted to their country,
And loyal to their Queen,
May good old Father Christmas
Grant the desire of all,
And may the new year bring you
The best that can befal.

There's just a word or two, dears,
Which I should like to say,
If you will kindly listen
To me this Christmas Day.
The year will soon be over,
And our Society
Will shortly reach its second

A young child in its first year,
As most of you do know,
Has little else to do besides
Stretch its limbs, and grow;
But in its second, if it be
A healthy child, 'twill walk,
And cease to suck its little thumb,
And learn, instead, to talk.

Thus, we've spent our first in waxing—
As country people say;
Our second one in steadying
Our steps, from day to day;
But now our third year's coming,
'Tis time to let folks see
That we are not a sickly shrub,
But a healthy, growing tree.

So rally round your leader,
"Iris," who leads the way;
Find fresh recruits to join our force,
And work while it is day;
Then, when the hour of action comes,
Each loyal one will be
Proud when the Herald's voice proclaims
Aloud "Our Victory!"