Poems (David)/The Fashionable Doctor

4586268Poems — The Fashionable DoctorEdith Mary David
THE fashionable doctor, the greatest man found,
And e'en search if you like all wide London round;
Though so graceful in figure, he turns in his toes,
With his tassell'd gold stick nearly touching his nose.
Sapient in look, and so demure is his face,
As he hears some poor patient describing his case.
Ah! no matter what ailment, all fly to his care,
Confident that good health in his train he must bear.
Perchance the great doctor is summoned from home,
And at evening returns, his horse in a foam,
Some lady of title has been seized with a fit,
And frighten'd the household 'most out of their wits;
The lady in her chair, has but fainted away,
To her there's no danger, but to him there's much pay;
He writes a prescription, and to bed she must go,
With her delicate nerves, she must ne'er fail to do so;
That well covered lady retreats to her room
While great Doctor Plausible rushes off in his brougham.