Poems (Davidson)/On the Birth of a Sister

by Lucretia Maria Davidson
On the Birth of a Sister
4596803Poems — On the Birth of a SisterLucretia Maria Davidson
Sweet babe, I cannot hope thou wilt be freed
From woes, to all since earliest time decreed;
But mayest thou be with resignation blessed,
To bear each evil, howsoe'er distressed.

May Hope her anchor lend amid the storm,
And o'er the tempest rear her angel form!
May sweet Benevolence, whose words are peace,
To the rude whirlwinds softly whisper, "Cease!"

And may Religion, Heaven's own darling child,
Teach thee at human cares and griefs to smile;
Teach thee to look beyond this world of woe,
To Heaven's high fount, whence mercies ever flow.

And when this vale of tears is safely passed,
When Death's dark curtain shuts the scene at last,
May thy freed spirit leave this earthly sod,
And fly to seek the bosom of thy God.