For works with similar titles, see The Evening Star.
Sweet star! in the calmness and stillness of even You burst on my gaze like a spirit of Heaven, Looking out from behind the dark curtain of night, An image of beauty, all radiant and bright! Not like a young bride by the loved of her youth, You stand all alone like the image of truth, Looking tranquilly out on the darkness around, Unshackled by fetters, in spirit unbound!
Lone star! mid the glimmering darkness of night, You beam on my heart like a vision of light; Night is closing her shadowy garments around The clear running stream, and the frost-jeweled ground, Yet thou from thy bright tower gazest below, As if curiously watching the deep shadows grow, While Night sits unfolding her wide-spreading robe, To wrap round the silent and slumbering globe!
Bright star! in the loveliness brooding above, You break on my dreams like an angel of love; Thou flower of Heaven that nightly dost bloom, O'er the earth as her flowers bloom over the tomb! They are but a beautiful emblem of thee, Blooming on the far shores of eternity:They die on the graves of full many a clime, As thou too shalt die at the funeral of time.