4570978Poems — Out and InJulia Caroline Dorr
A ship went sailing out to sea,
A gallant ship and gay,
When skies were bright as skies could be.
One sunny morn in May.
  The light winds blew,
  The white sails flew,
The pennants floated far;
  No stain I saw,
  Nor any flaw,
From deck to shining spar!
And from the prow, with eager eyes,
Hope gazed afar—to Paradise.

A ship came laboring in from sea,
One wild December night;
Ah! never ship was borne to lee
In sadder, sorrier plight!
  Rent were her sails
  By furious gales,
No pennants floated far;
  Twisted and torn
  And all forlorn
Were shuddering mast and spar!
But from the prow Faith's steady eyes
Caught the near light of Paradise!