For works with similar titles, see Easter Day.
4606772Poems — Easter DaySophia May Eckley
"Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more,—Death hath no more dominion over him."
NO longer mourn we at the grave
Of Christ our risen Lord;
Put off the sack-cloth, weep no more,
Let no complaint be heard
          On Easter Day.

Great day! the Resurrection morn
Breaks through the Christless night,
Lift up your hearts from out the gloom,
The Lord has risen! Light!
          On Easter day.

Aye—strange that e'en a flower should bloom,
Or green grass live to wave,
Strange that a bird could joyous sing,
When Christ was in the grave
          'Ere Easter Day.

But hark! the choirs of the wood,
Welcome the holy morn;
Sweet flowers of the new-born Spring,
Death's winter shroud adorn,
          This Easter Day.

Bring violets, infant smiles of Spring,
For 'tis our Church's day;
"Christ is risen," rise with Him,
And praise, as well as pray
          On Easter Day.

O Jesu! Saviour of my soul;
Dear Saviour, I would lay
Love's sweetest flower on Thy crown,
          On this our Easter Day!

Bath, 1862.