Poems (Eckley)/The Nightingale's Cry

by Sophia May Eckley
The Nightingale's Cry
4606711Poems — The Nightingale's CrySophia May Eckley
LARCHES' deep and dark Pavilion,
Hide, O hide me in thy shade,
For a thorn has pierced my bosom,
In the hawthorn where I strayed.

Tosses now my heart in anguish,
Dark as night, and no relief;
Come and sing, bring back life's morrow,
Hush to rest this bitter grief.

O return, my wandering love-mate,
Woo me, win me with thy song,
Till the silent dark Pavilion,
Echoes as thy notes prolong.

And I answer in Love's panting,
Come, O come back to the nest,
Take this thorn from out my bosom,
Heal the wound upon thy breast.

Come, O come, my wandering Love-mate,
Heal this thorn-wound in my breast,
Come! I cry, O come my wanderer,
Back into the lonely nest.

Bellagio, 1861.