Poems (Freston)/The Unwritten Page

4498307Poems — The Unwritten PageElizabeth Heléne Freston
   Thou pure, white page,
  There is no friend like thee!
   For patience rare,
  And kindly sympathy.

   Thou dost not check nor chill
  The ready flow
   Of thoughts that leave
  The human heart aglow.

   No lover thou,
  To silence, with a kiss,
   The lips that urge
  Some burning thought amiss.

   No friend to look askance
  At words too bold,
   Or frown, because we find
  The world so cold.

   No fear with thee
  To reach too far or wide,—
   To spread the wings
  That heaven doth provide.
So do I come to thee in joy, and fain
Over thy whiteness would I pour my pain.