4525534Poems — A Child's PleaMary A. Geisse
Why must you go, my papa?
I think it's very queer,
You never used to leave us,
You always lived right here.

I thought when mamma told me,
This morning when I woke,
That you were really going
You meant it as a joke.

Although she looked so sober
And said I musn't cry,
And that when things were settled
I'd see you by and by.

What does she mean by "settled"?
And what is a divorce?
When I asked nurse about it,
It made her awfully cross.

She thinks 'cause I am little
I shouldn't question so,
But if you were her papa
I'm sure she'd want to know.

Joe Simpson lost his papa,
But then, you see, he died,
He told me all about it,
And how his mamma cried.

And I was awfully sorry,
I gave him my new ball,
And my best agate marbles,
And made him keep them all.

But I could not console him
With any of my toys;
He'd rather have a father
Like other little boys.

Why, papa, what's the matter?
Your eyes have got so red,
I do believe you're crying
'Cause Joey's papa's dead.