4525500Poems — A ProphecyMary A. Geisse
When our brief days are o'er,
And death's solemn call
Comes to you, and to me,
As it must come to all;
When each of us stands
At Eternity's bar,
The deeds we have done,
The men that we are
Shall judge us. And strange
Will that verdict appear
In the face of the values
We recognize here.
We shall see transformations
Of which we ne'er dreamed
When the actual shall triumph
In place of what seemed.

And all shall see clearly,
No falsity then
Will hamper or darken
The vision of men.
They will know the true worth
Of the lives they have led;
Of the deeds they have done
And the words they have said;
And the strong, as the weak,
Shall stand in God's sight
Where none can take rank
Save by virtue of right;
Where the prayer of the king
As the beggar's shall be:
O Father, I've sinned,
Show Thy mercy to me!