Poems (Geisse)/I'd Like to be a Lion

4525519Poems — I'd Like to be a LionMary A. Geisse
I'd like to be a lion,
For I'd have friends galore,
They'd come from far to visit me
And shake my mighty paw;
And all my faults would dwindle
Before their tolerant eyes,
And all my little virtues grow
To a colossal size.

I'd like to be a lion,
What lessons I could teach,
I'd use my claws on all the knaves
Who came within my reach;
The mean, the base, the cruel,
Should quail beneath my wrath,
Until the boldest villain
Would fear to cross my path.

I'd like to be a lion,
I'd strive with all my might
To aid the weak and helpless,
And to defend the right.
I'd teach the new commandment
In such a novel way,
'Twould be an inspiration
To folks for many a day.

I'd like to be a lion,
As big as Samson slew;
I wonder if I'd grow as vain
As some great lions do.
They say it often spoils a man
To be considered great,
That only kingly souls can stand
The test of high estate.