Poems (Geisse)/Lines to a Faithful Dog

4525471Poems — Lines to a Faithful DogMary A. Geisse
O silent friend! in thy sagacious face,
I read the wisdom of the canine race,
Thou needest no tongue thy meaning to impart,
Thy acts reveal how wise and true thou art.
And oft thou shamest us of nobler birth
By thy fidelity and sterling worth.
All honor to thee, then, and to thy kind
For many a faithful dog thou bringest to mind
Sir Walter's "Maida," loyal and astute,
Splendid example of a noble brute.
And little "Diamond," whose familiar name
Is closely linked with her great master's fame,
The loved companion of that noble sage,
Sir Isaac Newton, marvel of his age.
Thus history tells how many a seer and bard.
Honored thy race with their sincere regard;
And how Sir Landseer, famous in his art,
Immortalized the favorites of his heart
Till 'neath his brush a splendid gallery grew,
Of noble dogs, beloved, my friend, as you.