4525491Poems — Remembered DaysMary A. Geisse
In the quiet of the evening,
When the shadows gather deep,
When the violets fold their petals
And the merry songsters sleep;
When the little firefly flashes
Through the gloom his tiny light,
And the crickets add their music
To the voices of the night;
When the heavens show their splendor
And the far worlds brightly shine,
Then I think with passionate longing
Of a heart that once was mine;
And once more I cross the meadows
With a lover's springing tread,
While my pulses thrill at memory
Of the maid I hoped to wed;
And again I see her seated
At the foot of some old tree,
With that tender smile of greeting
That she always kept for me.
Thus in fancy oft I seek her
As I sought her long ago,
In the old familiar pathways
Where our feet were wont to go;
And I catch a faint reflection
Of the joys of that lost time,
As I gaze in memory's mirror
At that old sweetheart of mine.
Would she know me now I wonder,
Will she know me when we meet
In that land of truer vision
Where our lives shall be complete?
Will she have a smile of welcome
For the earthly love she bore,
Those old days will she remember,
When we meet to part no more?