For works with similar titles, see Faith.
FAITH."My soul trusteth in Thee: yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge." Psalm lvii.
When shadows brood around my way,Nor hope breathes forth her cheering lay,God! to the shelter of Thy wing,My weary, fainting soul I bring.
Then flee the gathering clouds of night,Then burst Thy splendors on my sight;My spirit gathers strength to meetThe ambushed foe, the sad defeat.
My Father! when the storm beats high,And doubt, and gloom, and death are nigh,My doubts remove, dispel the gloom,And cheer with hope the opening tomb.
Though o'er my path the cloud I see,Trusting, I turn my eye to Thee;And tread, unharmed, the wave-washed strand,Supported by Thy guiding hand.