Poems (Hinchman)/Clearer than life because Death's large outline

4616510Poems — Clearer than life because Death's large outlineAnne Hinchman
Clearer than life because Death's large outline
Draws firmly where each day with trembling grasp
Shakes as a hand strain'd past its ready best,
Thou standest now, in form more clear than life.

On that last day, before the curtain fell
That hides thy body from our longing sight,
Pillow'd in light and cloth'd around with flowers
And hallow'd light, thou layest that last day.

Thy hands, that ever in their shapeliness
Were white as lilies, rosier were in death
Than the pale lilies in their lifeless hold;
Lovely thy yellow hair, thy face, thy hands.

O maid, that in thy womanhood had grown
Beyond the fret and frenzy of young years,
Yet fresh to smooth away the poor world's hurt,
Thou standest now, heroic grown, white maid.