Poems (Hinchman)/Our minds, that long to reach the unspher'd height

4616542Poems — Our minds, that long to reach the unspher'd heightAnne Hinchman
Our minds, that long to reach the unspher'd height
Where Dream and Thought bend ever ready wings;
Where that great host of unsubstantial things
Sustains the marvel of unmeasur'd might;
Will wonder in the star-song of the night,
Straining beyond man's dim imaginings;
Crying to sky, and sea, and storm that brings
A madness of desire, for deeper sight:

Yet musing still how Earth doth give us stay,
Holding us back from farther flight; while we
Gaze mazedly at one small broken ray
Whose narrow light unveils no mystery;
And we must weave of every little day
The web we tear to find eternity.