Poems (Hoffman)/A Summer Friendship

4567583Poems — A Summer FriendshipMartha Lavinia Hoffman

Think not, my friend, our friendship of a season
Will with the golden Summer be forgot;
Truth hath a grander thought,
Higher than human fancy, time or reason;
God writes, "Forget Me not."

For God, who in His wisdom, love and pity,
Led us to look into each other's eyes,
To clasp glad hands, so soon to say good-byes,
Is leading both to that eternal city
Where friendship never dies.

We've known each other, we are friends though parted,
Heaven is our meeting place
From life's long journey; standing face to face
We shall recall a Summer, happy-hearted
With friendship's holy grace.

When we shall revel in the sacred beauties
Of a bright Summer-time that never ends,
I think we will be glad that we were friends
Through one brief earthly Summer's joys and duties,
Then to our Maker will our praise ascend.

Let us not count our Summer friendship ended,
I do not think God means it to be so,
His budding plans unfinished here below
Are just begun; what His great mind intended
Eternity will show.