4567793Poems — BerriesMartha Lavinia Hoffman

Berries! berries! beautiful berries!
Wearing a charm ever pleasing and new;
Daintiest food, fit for elfins and fairies,
Born of the sunshine, the breeze and the dew.

Drooping in delicate sprays of repleteness;
Nestling in green leaves, half-hidden from sight;
Hanging in rich, juicy globules of sweetness;
Peeping up shyly to drink in the light.

Perched on a twig is a saucy, red linnet,
Beak dyed with carmine, betraying his theft;
While birds of all colors, each sunshiny minute
Feast on the beauties his majesty left.

Lazuli-finches and golden canaries,
Hither and thither in ecstasy fly,
Warbling in unison "Berries! ripe berries!"
What ruby wine with their nectar can vie?

Laughing-eyed children, with lips dyed vermilion,
And finger-tips stained, the sweet secret have guessed;
And honey-bees joining the merry cotillion,
Meet with the birds at their lavish repast.

Berries! berries! bright luscious berries!
Ripening and melting the long summer through;
No sheaf-laden Ceres such tempting spoil carries;
Born of the sunshine, the breeze and the dew.