4567795Poems — Out of DarknessMartha Lavinia Hoffman

Out of the dark, dark earth the lily blooms so white,
The stars shine brightly through the dark, dark night;
Thus from this dark, dark grief as from the sod
May spring the fair creations of my God.

O, can I wait! Can I have faith to trust,
Whose lilies lie forgotten in the dust,
Whose stars have faded amid clouds and tears,
'Till God shall write His rainbow on the years?

And yet as surely as His word is true,
Sure as the lily breaks the cold earth through,
Sure as the stars burst through the black cloud rift,
Up through this dark, dark grief God's hand can lift.

Some new creation not yet understood,
But than my dreams more beautiful and good;
High as the stars that dark, dark night have crowned,
Pure as the lily from the dark, dark ground.