Poems (Hoffman)/The Voice from the River

by Martha Lavinia Hoffman
The Voice from the River
4567683Poems — The Voice from the RiverMartha Lavinia Hoffman

I have come from the mountain's rugged path,
Where my weary feet have trod;
I have come from the mountain's cloudless height,
Where I walked alone with God.
I have come to the dark, dark valley now,
Where the river rolleth near;
I have felt its dew, damp on my brow;
But there is no river here.

I said: "Roll on, dark river, roll on,"
When I felt it drawing near,
"Roll on, roll on, dark river, roll on,
With Jesus, I cannot fear."
But the valley's gloomy night is gone
And there is no river here.

For One, there is in the valley dark,
Who bade the waters divide;
And I'm safely, gladly passing now,
Dry shod, to the other side.
I have no chilling flood to brave,
No perilous bark to steer;
There's a lamp of light in the valley dark,
And there is no river here.

I said: "Roll on, dark river, roll on,"
When I felt it drawing near,
"Roll on, roll on, dark river, roll on,
With Jesus, I cannot fear."
But the valley's gloomy night is gone
And there is no river here.

I have almost gained the other shore
And my spirit soon will sing,
Its darkness past, its storms all o'er,
In the palace of the King;
Where the loved and lost will welcome me,
Who entered the valley drear,
Long years ago, with the Christian guide,
And found no river here.

Roll on again dark river of death,
For the angel choir I hear.
Ah, many will cross with faltering breath,
In terror and darkness and fear;
But the Christian's strong Guide whispereth:
"There is no river here."