4566938Poems — When Sankey SangMartha Lavinia Hoffman

I longed for heavenly harmony to raise
My soul from earth to heaven, that I might lose
My earthly burdens in that glory, whose
Walls are salvation, and whose gates are praise,
But no; I felt the worth of everything,
When I heard Sankey sing.

He sang of Heaven, but deep and rich and strong
A mighty undercurrent seemed to speak;
To fret for Heaven, were selfish, mean and weak
When earth needs help from suffering and wrong;
I, patience gained for duty's tarrying,
When I heard Sankey sing.

I was a little tired of earth before,
A little weary of life's common things,
I wanted golden harps and angel wings,
On sweeps of song above the clouds to soar;
But glorified, seemed every common thing,
When I heard Sankey sing.

O, sadly would God's work unfinished lie
If every pilgrim dropt his load to-day,
No faithful one, "Thy kingdom come" to pray
And do God's will on earth as in the sky,
None patiently to Christ's earth-cross to cling,
No Christian left to sing.