Poems (Kemble)/Sonnet (Oft let me wander hand in hand with Thought)

For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
4529673Poems — SonnetFrances Anne Kemble
Oft let me wander hand in hand with Thought, In woodland paths, and lone sequester' d shades, What time the sunny hanks and mossy glades, With dewy wreaths of early violets wrought, Into the air their fragrant incense fling, To greet the triumph of the youthful Spring. Lo, where she comes! 'scaped from the icy lair Of hoary Winter; wanton, free, and fair! Now smile the heavens again upon the earth, Bright hill, and bosky dell, resound with mirth, And voices, full of laughter and wild glee, Shout through the air pregnant with harmony; And wake poor sobbing Echo, who replies With sleepy voice, that softly, slowly dies.