YEA, it is bitter; did you think to find
It was all sweet?
The Marah-taste is in each liquid drop
Your lips must meet.
It was all sweet?
The Marah-taste is in each liquid drop
Your lips must meet.
For you are part of human woe and weal,
And you must drain—
Down to the leaden lees that drug the draught—
The cup of pain.
And you must drain—
Down to the leaden lees that drug the draught—
The cup of pain.
Nor must you seek to put it by; that were
The coward's part;
Your lips may tremble as you drink, but brave
Must be your heart.
The coward's part;
Your lips may tremble as you drink, but brave
Must be your heart.
But know this for a truth: or crystal clear
Or warm wine-red,
Christ quaffed the self same cup in ages past;
Therefore be comforted.
Or warm wine-red,
Christ quaffed the self same cup in ages past;
Therefore be comforted.
No bitterer for you the draught prescribed
Than that for Him;
And know, that where his pale lips touched, He left
A blessing on the rim.
Than that for Him;
And know, that where his pale lips touched, He left
A blessing on the rim.
A blessing that your sorrow-clouded eyes
Have not yet read,
But it will be revealed in years to come.—Drink,
And be comforted.
Have not yet read,
But it will be revealed in years to come.—Drink,
And be comforted.