For works with similar titles, see Bravery.
4534867Poems — BraveryClara A. Merrill
A youth once went to a party Whose sweetheart was there with the rest; The moments that flew on swift pinions Were enjoyed with great fervor and zest. 'Til at length came the time for dispersing,When each went their various ways—This fond youth escorting his sweetheart—His heart with emotion ablaze.
On his sleeve her hand trustingly rested As they wended their way through the wood,—When lo! a white spectre before them Appeared.—In their pathway it stood Like a Goblin, with long arms extended It swayed, while a wild, weird note Like the wail of a disparing spirit Came issuing from the Ghost's throat.
'Twas too much for our hero—and turning He ran in the wildest alarm; And left his companion in terror—But a word from Sir Ghost made her calm. The echoing footsteps grew fainter 'Til at last in the distance they fade—The rival then threw off the mystic And boldly walked home with the maid!