Poems (Nealds)/Stanzas (The dew-drops gem the blushing rose)

The dew-drops gem the blushing rose,
All nature's hush'd in sleep,
Whilst I, a stranger to repose,
Must wake, alas! to weep.

The silver moon shines bright and clear,
And gilds each bush and tree;
To me the scene is sweetly dear,
It soothes my misery.

Now memory wakes and loves to trace
Dear hours of faded bliss,
My parents' tender fond embrace,
My lover's raptur'd kiss.

But yonder is my parents' grave,
Beneath that sod they sleep;
But, ah! my Henry, good and brave,
Lies cold beneath the deep.

And o'er him rolls the billowy surge,
And ocean's boist'rous swell;
The sea-gulls scream his only dirge,
The wind his parting knell.

I'll wander to the earthy bed,
Where my dear parents lie;
On their cold bosoms rest my head,
Breathe one short pray'r and die.