Poems (Piatt)/Volume 1/The Little Boy I Dreamed about

by Sarah Piatt
The Little Boy I Dreamed about
4617695Poems — The Little Boy I Dreamed aboutSarah Piatt
This is the only world I know—
It is in this same world, no doubt.
Ah me, but I could love him so,
If I could only find him out,—
The Little Boy I dreamed about!

This Little Boy, who never takes
The prettiest orange he can see,
The reddest apple, all the cakes
(When there are twice enough for three,)—
Where can the darling ever be?

He does not tease and storm and pout
To climb the roof, in rain or sun,
And pull the pigeon's feathers out
To see how it will look with none,
Or fight with hornets—one to one!

He does not hide, and cut his hair,
And wind the watches wrong, and cry
To throw the kitten down the stair
And see how often it can die.
(It's strange that you can wonder why!)

He never wakes too late to know
A bird is singing near his bed:
He tells the tired moon: "You may go
To sleep yourself." He never said,
When told to do a thing, "Tell Fred!"

If I say "Go," he will not stay
To lose his hat, or break a toy;
Then hurry like the wind away,
And whistle like the wind for joy,
To please himself—this Little Boy.

Let any stranger come who can,
He will not say—though it be true—
"Old Lady" (or "Old Gentleman"),
"I wish you would go home, I do;
I think my mama wants you to!"

—No, Fairyland is far and dim:
He does not play in silver sand;
But if I could believe in him
I could believe in Fairyland,
Because———you do not understand.

Dead—dead? Somehow I do not know.
The sweetest children die. We may
Miss some poor footprint from the snow,
That was his very own to-day——
"God's will" is what good Christians say.

Like you, or you, or you can be
When you are good, he looks, no doubt.
I'd give—the goldenest star I see
In all the dark to find him out,
The Little Boy I dreamed about!