Poems (Rice)/Invitation to Confirmation

4528476Poems — Invitation to ConfirmationMaria Theresa Rice
DO you seek the way eternal,
Strive you now to comprehend;
To those blest abodes supernal
Do your youthful spirits tend?
Do not quench the holy feeling
Prompting ever to inquire;
Go, and at His footstool kneeling,
Kindle every pure desire.

Care not if the world should wonder,
Earnestly the way pursue;
Take the Book of Books and ponder
Till your hearts are born anew;
With its mysteries do not cavil,
Say not heaven is far away,
God, your Father, will unravel,
If you'll follow and obey.

Faith is what your soul is needing,
Earnest faith He will receive;
See the cross, the Saviour bleeding,
Can you say, I can't believe?
Do not ask the hidden meaning
Of the Bible;none can know;
Pray, and then His mercy streaming
All along your path shall flow.

The Saviour's love you are denying
Every moment that you wait;
His ambassadors defying,
All their teachings you berate;
You were born for something higher,
Heaven should be your destined aim;
Kindle now the sacred fire,
Glorify your Maker's name.

Then the dark clouds soon will vanish,
Which are hanging round your brow;
You'll be given strength to banish
Sin, if you will take the vow.
While your hearts with hopes are beaming,
While your minds from care are free,
Taste the cup, with love o'erflowing,
Which the Saviour offers thee.