4528400Poems — Lost at SeaMaria Theresa Rice

SWEET sister, as the years roll by,
I miss thee from my side;
Thy counsels and thy company,
Thy voice, thy heart to guide;
Just when the heavy clouds began
To gather round my head,
Just when I needed most thy care,
They whispered thou wert dead.

The ship,—alas! that dreadful day—
We waited by the strand,
To see it bear thy form away
From this our native land;
'Twas in the early spring, when birds
Make musical the air;
They seemed to mock our parting words,
And, too, our parting prayer.

How radiant with hope thy brow!
With love thy heart how warm!
But O, beloved sister, now
Where rests thy lovely form?
No tidings ever came to me,
And weary years have sped;
Alas! alas! and this may be
Till seas give up their dead.

No token here to gaze upon,
Not e'en a lock of hair,
Which fell in sunny braids, around
Thy beauteous face so fair.