4473539Poems — A ReminiscenceLouise Jopling Rowe
HOW calm, and stilly beautiful the eve,
When first thou whispered to my ravished ear
The thrilling words that took a tone so low,
It seemed as if my heart alone could hear.

And yet, with all the magic of the scene,
The faint stars glimmer, and the murmuring Sea,
All in that moment seemed to fade away,
For then I saw, felt, but only thee!
I saw but only thee, when thy dark eyes
Gazed with a longing look in mine.
I heard but only thee, for my rapt soul
Hung on each dear and tender word of thine.

And then I felt but thee! when to thy heart,
In one long, wild embrace you pressed me;
While on my cheek and lip thy warm kiss fell,
Love, deep, intense, reigned in my breast for thee!