4511544Poems — Though BrightMary C. Ryan

Though bright is the smile that's parting your lips,
And sweet the words you are saying;
Though sparkling the cup which young Cupid sips,
As with my poor heart he is playing,
Go leave me alone, for I wish to be free;
My poor heart in thralldom would break;
Yet stay, for I feel love's fetters on me,
While I not a protest can speak.

Go list to to a bird, as he sings of love,
So plaintive the notes which he trills;
Then ask why I shun the net Cupid wove
And refuse the cup that he fills.
Love smiles, and I see 'tis useless and vain
To attempt to resist him now,
For my quickened heart is throbbing with pain,
Or with joy that's akin to woe.