Poems (Sherwin)/Soliloqy on hearing a church bell

by Elizabeth Sherwin
Soliloqy on hearing a church bell
4524331Poems — Soliloqy on hearing a church bellElizabeth Sherwin
::Hark! 'tis the church bell's thrilling sound
Strikes on mine ear and summons me to prayer.
It speaks to drowsy sinners like trumpet
To the dead, and says—"Arise, ye sleepers!
"Wake from your dreams of fond security,
"And view, with open eyes, the frightful rocks"
And yawning gulfs which lurk beneath
"The sunny bowers, where now in fancied bliss
"Your wild imaginations stray unchecked.
"Oh! hither turn your feet,—approach with awe
"These sacred gates, and reverently kneel
"Before the holy altar of your God!"
Then Oh, my soul, obey the summons—rise
And join, devoutly join, in solemn prayer
With those who sacred keep the sabbath day,
Preparing for the awful change which soon
Must wake us to a long eternity.